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Safeguarding and Enhancing Your Psychological Health is a 25 minute educational DVD depicting how service members and their families may be affected by combat and deployment stress.

Through the use of real stories and dramatized vignettes, A Different Kind of Courage addresses the symptoms of mental health and alcohol disorders among military service members and families, and the importance of early help-seeking to protect one's career, family and health. It also provides useful information on how to convince a family member or friend to seek professional help.
The DVD is a vehicle to promote discussion about mental health issues. By listening to real service members and their families share their struggles and how awareness and treatment helped, A Different Kind of Courage reduces the stigma of mental health disorders.
Available for free for military behavioral health clinicians, unit commanders, Reserve unit leaders, chaplains, Family Readiness Group leaders, as well as other military groups who want to raise awareness and encourage help-seeking as an act of strength.
Use it to Talk. Use it to Educate. Use it to Fight Stigma.

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